Giving Garden

The Giving Garden is the heart and soul of our community garden. This area is planted, maintained and harvested by our gardeners to provide fresh produce to ALL members of our community! Anyone is welcome to step inside our public Giving Garden to help themselves to any produce that is ready to eat. We just ask that you take only what you need and that only adults pick the produce in order to keep the plants and little hands safe!

Also, each week during the growing season, our gardeners harvest any ready to go produce that hasn’t been picked yet and deliver it to our neighborhood food shelf, The Shelf of Hope and in 2021 we started donating to Northpoint Community Food Shelf. Volunteers at both locations then distribute the fresh produce to our neighbors in need. Be sure to check out the counter below, to see the amount of produce donated over the last few years!

Lastly, be sure to visit our community ‘Share Shelf’, that is located right outside of the private garden plots. Gardeners will place any extra produce that they have on this shelf as another way to share fresh produce with the community!


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2024


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2023


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2022


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2021


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2020


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2019


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2018


Produce (lbs.) Donated in 2017


Cumulative (lbs.) Since 2017

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